Sproston Report

April 2001


All preparations have been made for getting underway for another great Sproston Reunion. Jake Vaden, Reunion Chairman, has made a trip South on a scouting mission and made arrangements with The Clarion Hotel and Gray Line Tours for an excellent reunion program. The problem in Nashville is that there are so many fun things to do. We are confident that we have selected an itinerary that will appeal to almost everyone. We think we have done a good job of keeping things affordable. The rooms at the Clarion are $59 per night (plus tax) and includes a complimentary buffet breakfast. Once again, we are asking you to get your reservations in early. We have a limited number of tickets for some events. We must purchase Grand Ole Opry tickets by August 17, 2001. DON'T MISS THE BOAT.....PLEASE GET THOSE RESERVATIONS IN EARLY.

Once again we will be posting the names of Reunion Registrants on our website. Also, we will be posting updated general information regarding the reunion. Our webmaster, Al Fitz, updates the site regularly as new pictures and other information is received. Remember to visit .


We have received word that the following shipmates have passed away. May they rest in Peace.

B.J. Rehse TM2 (plankowner)

Doy Gipson WT3/C (plankowner)

E.M. Kinney Lt jg

A.A. Linos SC2

Many of you who have attended our reunions will remember Andy Linos as one of our bartenders who dispensed a great deal of laughter with the drinks.


We have a supply of shirts ( medium, large & x-large) and hats (summer or winter) available for our shipmates. Hats are $6.00, shirts are $11.00 (price includes mailing). Please send check or money order to John Halase Jr., 747 Oakridge Drive, Youngstown, OH, 44512 and your item will be mailed to you.


The search continues for former shipmates. Please advise us if you have information concerning the whereabouts of former Sproston crewmen. Again, we ask any of you who have a change of address to please let us know via email, US Mail, or phone call. The cost of mailing is continuing to increase and we must pay for returned mail. We need your help.


Let's see if we can do some long range planning. Any of you shipmates who have ideas or suggestions for our Reunion in 2002, please let us know. If you are willing to be Reunion Chairman, give us a call. It really helps if we have a longer time frame to scout out potential reunion sites. This is your Reunion Group, get involved. We look forward to hearing from you.

We look forward to seeing many of you in Nashville in September. If you have thought about attending a Reunion and haven't done it...procrastinate no longer. This is the year and Nashville is the place. There are no strangers at Sproston Reunions.

Remember....Send in your Registration Early. Thank-you, We appreciate your assistance.

“Smooth Sailing and Following Seas”

Jim Marlatt, President

1115 Leonard Ave.

Pasadena CA 91107

email jrmarlatt@earthlink.net


John Halase, Jr. Treasurer

email john.halasejr@gte.net


Al Fitz, Secretary/Webmaster

email afitz@erols.com







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